its def an oldie, especially in the 90s but its making a huge comeback and frankly its being embraced everywhere too, from street fashion to celebs back, to men fashion scene and the ladies are most def not left out. The plaid trend is here people, so hey try some out.
Now when it comes to Plaid, you want to go minimal, maybe a piece at a time, if you find it in suits or dresses, let it go only tat far, do not try and match it up with anything plaid related, that would just be an overkill.

The experts have advice how to do plaids and its simple...A great sweater with plaid detailing is perfect with a cute mini skirt and tall boots. If you’re going for a more casual look, wear a plaid button down opened with a graphic tee underneath and pair it with your favorite skinny jeans and low booties. it also can be infused into your nigth look, sure great plaid dresses or with plaid detailing is just out hanging in a store rack justb for your picking. So you not so sure of this plaid business, well then baby steps...start with purses, heels, hair bands etc.
Here are some of the plaid statements i found on the net, i hope this helps in the conviction department.
its all about fashion and style, its suppose to be fun, by all means try out some plaids...winks

Here are some extras you can puts some plaid on.

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